My Little Garden

The word Garden brings back memories of home. Of my Mom diligently watering the potted plants and my Dad painting the clay pots red. Of rose grafting ‘taken’ from friends, relatives and random parks and white lilies growing in metal ammunition boxes. Since Dad served in Armed Forces, the ammunition boxes served the purpose of pots in my home, while huge wooden boxes were turned into tables and beds. 

To me Garden is synonymous with settling down. Like how a root attaches itself to the soil and then gradually grows. So when I saw a pair of yellow roses blooming in the front-yard, along with Gerbera and Camellias, I had this sudden realization of being settled, of being stationery. I guess you will understand the gravity of my feeling more when I tell you that I have changed 8 homes in the last 10 years.

Let me take you on a stroll today – along my little garden 🙂

Till last week little orange insects were having a feast on the leaves of my beautiful plants. I went to Bunnings over the weekend and got some insecticide and fertilizers. The insects are all gone now but as the temperature is dropping to 2 degrees, I am worried if my Tomato seedlings will survive the cold. The chilies have been re-potted, ready to be fertilised. Seems like I won’t be harvesting any vegetables until Spring.
I am trying to propagate Succulents. I had taken a Rosetta cutting from a garden and planted it in a well draining soil. I was so happy to see the roots develop after waiting for more than 3 weeks {that tub like pot in the front}

This is my favorite plant, but I don’t know what it’s called.

Cycads are now placed near sun facing window 🙂

So do you own any indoor plants?

32 thoughts on “My Little Garden

  1. I am almost 100% sure your "mystery plants" are an ornamental kale or cabbage, Brassica oleracea. I love your perseverance in gardening under the harsh conditions of constant moving. I was a military spouse for four years and only had to move twice – I applaud you.

  2. We share the same joy of plants. I have close to fifty of them and consider them as my children much to my kids' amusement! Lovely post!

  3. We share the same joy of plants. I have close to fifty of them and consider them as my children much to my kids' amusement! Lovely post!

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