Wanderlust Tales: Zodiac #atozchallenge

To celebrate the Chinese New Year, various structures in the shape of Chinese Zodiac Signs were installed in some the popular locations around Sydney CBD.

Along with ClaireParul and Shaliniwe have formed an Unconventional Alliance with A to Z co-host Pam Margolis as the ring leader … all set to rock the party

Wanna read about my A to Z Whimsical Medley– check out here

A: Assam
C: Casino
D: Dawn
F: Foood
H: Hiking
I: Island
J: Jorhat
M : Macau 
O : Overcast
P : Pagoda
S : Sahyadri
X : Xiaolongbao 
Y : Yachts 

7 thoughts on “Wanderlust Tales: Zodiac #atozchallenge

  1. Wow didn't know Chinese new year was such a big thing in Sydney. Beautiful Pics 🙂

  2. What simply stunning installations. I will miss my daily fix of your blog next month.

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