A Whimsical Medley – Is my theme for the A to Z Challenge !! Hope you smile today 🙂
“What is this whole hullabaloo about Planks … It doesn’t look like much”, I thought as I positioned myself in a forward plank position. That was my naive self when attempting planks for the first time. I was so foolishly confident that I thought of completing the 5 minutes challenge, but reality kicked really hard, in my abs.
Within 30 secs I was flat on the carpet, inhaling dust, my arms sore, my lower abdomen burning like hell fire. Planks, my friend, is no cake walk.
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Source- Pinterest |
It’s over a year now and I still can’t do 5 minutes forward plank (Kumbhakasana) at one go but combined with its variations, I can somehow manage to survive the ordeal: Side planks, Elbow planks, Spider-man, Upward plank and Cross leg. I always attempt the challenge at the end of my workout, mostly because after this I am incapacitated, and have to call my husband to bring crutches too along with the grocery.
Today I am presenting before you a variation of Vasisthasana, commonly known as the side planks.
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My friend decided to play with the reflection and photo-shopped two photos in one. Pretty cool huh!! |

Unlike the Ninja Level Yogis who can do the advanced version of Vasisthasana, I am just happy to build my core and arms for now. Of course, since I am always over confident, I did try to do the Ninja level version too, only to have my ego steamrolled by inflexibility. Like seriously, how does the leg even stay up there!!
Do you practice Yoga or follow any other workout regime?
Along with Claire, Parul and Shalini we have formed an Unconventional Alliance with A to Z co-host Pam Margolis as the ring leader … all set to rock the party.
If you are bitten by the travel bug – check out my A to Z of Wanderlust Tales
H: Handstand Journey
I: Inversion Diversion
J : Of Job and Mommy Dear
K: Kitchen Katastrophes
L: The Lehenga Conundrum
I: Inversion Diversion
J : Of Job and Mommy Dear
K: Kitchen Katastrophes
L: The Lehenga Conundrum
T : Throwback
From the photograph, I cannot think of any other name which will go well with that holding the leg in the air plank but Ninja plank. I do planks (elbow half-planks) and can hold upto 30 seconds on good days or retire at 20. I spent a good enough time gazing at the photo-shopped image to look for the glue which is holding the 2 photos together. Silly me 😀
Too tough, man! I can only manage about 40 secs (on best days 60 sec) of forward planks!
Planks put me in place alright, flat on the ground! The max I could hold was 2 minutes at a stretch, once upon a time, long, long ago:))
Wow! Where did you learn Yoga? How do you practice it?
I think am happy to see and appreciate your yoga poses and not attempt it! 😛
For a change I feel so glad that I'm able to do a bit of the first two planks these days!!! I know it's temporary, but still it feels good 🙂 😀