Damn these Ducks #atozchallenge

A Whimsical Medley – Is my theme for the A to Z Challenge !! Hope you smile today 🙂


Now that I look back, I have been chased by a considerable number of species. Be it pesty bees, malicious dogs, enraged cats, angry cows, grumpy goats … even chickens. Look I am an animal lover… love them to bits. But for some reason or other I end up on the wrong side of their Horns.

But the most dangerous of the species are Ducks and their cousins Geese. Mathematics wasn’t the only terrifying part of going to School. The terror started even before I could reach the bus. There were a bunch of white Geese waddling on the road, with puffed chest and sinister looking eyes, waiting for their next target. 

Sometimes I would let other children pass so that while they are being victimised I could sneak away. But everyday wasn’t a sunny day. There were days when I had been chased non stop by this quaking family of greys and white. Probably the ducks gained more confidence and power by looking at the Geese, scaring the living daylights out of the human kind.

Yeah childhood was sure fun when an enraged elongated Goose was almost my height. 😛

Along with ClaireParul and Shalini we have formed an Unconventional Alliance with A to Z co-host Pam Margolis as the ring leader … all set to rock the party

If you are bitten by the travel bug – check out my A to Z of Wanderlust Tales


33 thoughts on “Damn these Ducks #atozchallenge

  1. Chased by a cow thats crazy!! Geese have taken over the area that I run in they are a pain in the butt and the nip at your ankles.

  2. For some reason I pictured you trying to do a headstand, succeeding gracefully (as always), and opening your eyes to be face to face with a goose :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

  3. It is like when a black cat crosses your path, you wait for someone else to walk in front of you to take in the negativity 🙂 Superstition, but have seen many do it. Your plight was really genuine, poor thing 🙂

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