When I was TROLLED !!

So I have this insane group of blogger friends, our friendship dating back to the time when we owned blogs in a platform provided by the MNC where we were employed. The outside Blogging world was an unexplored territory to many. Some are loyal and associated with the company while many like me have moved on. But over the years we kept bonding on whatsapp, laughed at each other’s blunders, been part of weddings (even though virtually), watched their kids take the first step and listened to the tales of hilarious parenting.

It all started when we did a hangout video call (or so I have been told by the perpetrator). My profile picture seemed to have illuminated a little too many bulbs than I would have preferred. 

As you might know by now, my husband loves clicking portrait shots and all his experiments begin with yours truly. This was clicked after three hours of constant posing on a chilly winter afternoon … and I had simply ran out of expressions (not that I have many). 

Today, I woke up a little later than usual, only to find my phone buzzing with activities. The notification said I was tagged by Kalyan on Facebook. My first reaction was – oh god, what fresh hell is this!!

And look how I was trolled, presenting before you 
The Emotion Imitation Matrix” 
(I am still laughing at the extreme seriousness of the name 😛 ) 

Source – My eternal Dushman, Sreeram Shenoy 
(I will be damned if I forget to give him credit :P)

Roh (1,1) – with big round eyes, she could only look mischievous 😛
Danny Boy (1,2) – seems to have nailed it 😛 he is so into the groove that I think I saw a hint of pout too.
Sammy (1,3) – that’s the ‘Beyonce’ kinda look saying I am glamorous and I know it 😛
Sandy (2,1) – Sandy is ready to punch someone, probably for making her do this nautanki 😛
Sownaj (2,2) perfect “What the heck man” look 😛
Anu (2,3) and her husband Tingu (4,3) were probably face timing each other 
Kally (3,1) The evil one – I crack up every time I see his expression.
Sree (3,3) Thinking if he has crossed all levels of dushman-hood.
Renga (4,1) The look that says – “My wife made me do this” 😛
Sound (4,2) Flipping the bird !! Good job gal 😛
Ranju (5,1) When I am not saving dogs, cats, cows, pigeons, rats, beetles, mosquito and cockroaches – I do this.
Su (5,2) Awww she even matched the lipstick … Now that’s commitment my dear friend 😀
Megz (5,3) That “My sad face more sadder than yours” look 😛
Nive (6,1) Perfect “I am not sad but I am trying to be” face 😛
Adi (6,2) Probably wondering if he fed the cats 😛
Christy (6,3) That “I don’t know you but I nailed it” look 😀

This takes me back to the time when we used to hold online Swayamvars for the bachelors and bachelorettes in our group, asking people to vote for their favourite contestants. We were so much cooler than the reality shows… ahh good times!!

To say the least, I absolutely adore this group. 


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