Ahoy Matey !!

Hello there!!

So I have slept through the weekend, my voice is still hoarse and knees aching from all the dancing I did on Friday at the office Christmas Party.

Our’s was a Sea Themed Costume Party and half of my team was dressed as Pirate 😛 

That’s me –  a very happy and Dressy pirate. It was a last minute shopping I did just a week before the party. The guys at Costume Collection delivered it within two days and saved my day.

That’s my Team – A band of Pirates and Popeye 😛

After dressing up at the office, we walked towards the bus stop. Imagine a huge group consisting of Pirates, Sailors, Popeye, Ninja Turtle, Titanic Zombies – leisurely walking on the road, queuing up for the company provided Bus. Yeah that was fun when people stopped us to ask what the heck is going around in 😛 Some took photos, some videos, and for once I felt like a celebrity –  a weird celebrity though. 😛

That’s the view from the venue.

The two water buddies, discussing some serious water issues

And there’s Michelangelo – The Ninja Turtle. The amount of time and measurement he took to cut those eyes – I am pretty sure it’s more accurate than the actual costume. 🙂

Oh there’s two of them!!

Some more shots from the party. Mr Popeye is making his way though a bunch of Jelly Fish 🙂

My absolute favourite was the Titanic Zombie group – their makeup, dressing, concept – it was brilliant.

My phone battery died and now I am relying on my colleagues to share all other cool pictures.


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