Where once lived Fairy Tales – Cherry Blossoms

Long story short, two weeks ago I found the place where fairy tales lived, where dreams tripped from pink blooms and poetry slept under the yellow sky. I don’t know how they created this magical place, or probably nature is just too blindingly awesome for the simple minded species like us.
When you see trees of almost every color, words fail and you realise all those Disney images, once belonging solely to Cinderella and Snow white, are all yours … to feel and touch and admire and sing!! 
Behold! Cherry Blossoms in Australia
This is how the entrance looks like… You know just in case for some insane reason you decide to turn back!! 
Cherry Blossoms in Australia
Rows of Cherry Blossoms … Ek philosophical pose tou banta hai


Cherry Blossoms in Australia
Yellow is now my new favourite color

Cherry Blossoms in Australia
Cherry Blossoms in Australia
I have already overshared this picture… and probably I will share it till the end of time 😛

I am just beyond my wits to have experienced so much beauty!!

So, are you curious to know where this place is … how about hoping onto this page – Tulip Top Gardens  {psssttt… blatant advertisement of my travel blog}
Hope you all are having a great weekend …

Related Post – OMG! Look at these cherry blossoms

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