Vivid Sydney 2015 – Part 1

Vivid Sydney started last week on 22nd. It is the yearly festival of lights and show when the Sydney City adorns a glamorous look with vibrant lights, laser show and intriguing exhibits placed around different places. 

Well, I would like to believe that the whole city was celebrating my birthday πŸ˜‰ It can’t be just a coincidence … πŸ˜›

I started with areas around Circular Quay, walking along the Rocks and Dawes point, stopping by various places to admire and capture them. Have a look!!

Ayla – A projection of moon on a grand scale, with an aura of light around it. Looks fascinating πŸ˜€

“Arclight is an architecturally designed, environmentally inspired structure that echoes the native mangroves of Australia’s waterways. Through its complex geometry and architectural form, Arclight creates a dense thicket of clustered synthetic branch structures which incorporate interactive lighting technology programmed to interpret environmental conditions.” Source

The Circular Quay skyline

The Milky Laneway, depicting a night sky with stars and galaxies.

Dolly, a massic 3D doll made completely of crochet. Isn’t it amazingly creative!!

 DressesHundreds of fibre optic strands in the form of a dress

Absolutely marvellous exhibit!!

The Geometric Eye

Travel Photo Mondays

30 thoughts on “Vivid Sydney 2015 – Part 1

  1. Cool pics Raj! πŸ™‚ What was Australia celebrating, if not your birthday?! πŸ˜‰ Happy belated birthday by the way: hope it was as great as these lights! <3

    1. It's the annual festival of lights… starting from 22May to 8th June πŸ™‚
      thank you for stopping by πŸ™‚

  2. One day I WILL visit Australia and I'll meet you two awesome bloggers there… you and Sanch!

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