Effing Emotions !!

There are days and there are Days… the crazy god forsaken Godzilla days when the hormones makes a King Kong out of a normal life-loving girl. One moment you would be smiling, relishing on fish and chips, the other you turn into a Texas chainsaw massacre monster, hunting for chocolates, while the poor husband sits in a corner, waiting for the tornado to pass over.

I blame all my mood swings on Hormones… those bhloody things for no apparent reason presents an illusion of utter sorrow and depression. Makes me cower inside a blanket, and munch on a single bite of chocolate for hours, which I buy because they look nice. And I don’t even like chocolates.

On such dramatic days, before I drive myself and the poor baffled husband to madness, I end up calling the helpline number, which is always my Sister. Last time when she picked up the call, her mouth was stuffed with chicken momos, because she was high… on the mood swing. But yesterday it seems she was cheering another sad soul – her roommate, who had rendered the whole building deaf by playing continuous renditions of Opera songs – day and night. Ahh it spreads you see, Zombies aren’t far away.

On such imbalanced days I embark on a journey to find the answer to life, universe and everything. With sad and tragical philosophies, I fantasize about death, because it is the sole truth that ever existed. 

The husband has learnt that these are not the best time to ask for Egg-Burji or Tea or anything in general. 

Yeah, the hormones are getting on my head. I better stop writing.

Do you have such erratic unreasonable days?

Images – linked to source

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