Yoga at Sunrise | Photography | Clovelly Beach Sydney

Yoga Every Damn DayΒ –Β As a part ofΒ A to Z April Blogging challenge, I am going to post a series of Yoga poses. Don’t worry I will keep it simple and crisp… and try not to make it boring. {All pictures are mine, clicked by my dear husband}

I love sunrises just as much as sunsets. Twilight never disappoints me, the magic never stops. Presenting before you a few of my favourite Yoga at Sunrise photography captures.
VasisthasanaΒ  or Side Plank

The birds are paid actors. πŸ˜€

Standing Mermaid Pose

Day 2 –Β Bakasana
Day 4 –Dhanurasana
Day 5 –Β Eagle Pose
Day 6 –Β Fishy Fishy
Day 7 –Β Gate Pose
Day 8 –Β Headstand
Day 9 –Β Yoga Inversion
Day 10 –Β Janu Sirsasana

Day 11 –Β Krounchasana n Karnapidasana
Day 12 –Β Lord of the Dance

Day 13 –Β Mermaid Pose
Day 14 –Β Navasana
Day 15 –Β The one that inspires
Day 16 –Β Pigeon Pose
Day 17 –Β Quietude

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