
Yoga Every Damn Day – As a part of A to Z April Blogging challenge, I am going to post a series of Yoga poses. Don’t worry I will keep it simple and crisp… and try not to make it boring. {All pictures are mine, clicked by my dear husband}

Today, let’s just relax. Breathe in the freshness, exhale the negativity … and let your mind wander into peaceful territory.

This mudra is called Gyan Mudra, known to impart happiness, intellectual development and sharpens memory.

While finishing of my Yoga sequence, I sit in padmasana, make an imaginary ball of all the stress … and exhale out … imagining the ball drifting away. I know how weird it sounds ๐Ÿ˜› but it actually helps.

Day 2 – Bakasana
Day 4 – Dhanurasana
Day 5 – Eagle Pose
Day 6 – Fishy Fishy
Day 7 – Gate Pose
Day 8 – Headstand
Day 9 – Yoga Inversion
Day 10 – Janu Sirsasana

Day 11 – Krounchasana n Karnapidasana
Day 12 – Lord of the Dance

Day 13 – Mermaid Pose
Day 14 – Navasana
Day 16 – Pigeon Pose
Day 17 – Quietude
Day 19 – Yoga @ sunrise
Day 20 – Trikonasana
Day 22 – Vrikshanana
Day 23 – Wild thing

25 thoughts on “X-hale

  1. I would have loved to see a photo of you doing padmasana pose Raj, though I have a challenge sitting that way – just googled it – as my knees go way high! However, I can certainly do the mudra: easy as pie! ๐Ÿ˜‰ <3

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