Yoga Every Damn Day – As a part of A to Z April Blogging challenge, I am going to post a series of Yoga poses. Don’t worry I will keep it simple and crisp… and try not to make it boring. {All pictures are mine, clicked by my dear husband}
Trikonasana or Triangle Pose
Benefits: “Triangle pose engages every part of the body, strengthens the core, opens the hips and shoulders and stretches the legs.” YogaBasics
Day 2 – Bakasana
Day 3 – Camel and the Sunbird
Day 4 – Dhanurasana
Day 5 – Eagle Pose
Day 6 – Fishy Fishy
Day 7 – Gate Pose
Day 8 – Headstand
Day 9 – Yoga Inversion
Day 10 – Janu Sirsasana
Day 11 – Krounchasana n Karnapidasana
Day 12 – Lord of the Dance
Day 13 – Mermaid Pose
Day 14 – Navasana
Day 15 – The one that inspires
Day 16 – Pigeon Pose
Day 17 – Quietude
Day 18 – Reverse and Revolved
Day 19 – Yoga @ sunrise
I do this as part of my dance warm up 🙂 Yay !
Yay. I can do this one 🙂
This I'm able to do. It gives a good stretch… feels good.
This certainly isn't my favourite pose though you make it look easy, easier than it is (as usual)! 😉 <3
God bless you!
Yeah I can do this one!!! 😀