Camel and the Sunbird

Yoga Every Damn Day – As a part of A to Z April Blogging challenge, I am going to post a series of Yoga poses. Don’t worry I will keep it simple and crisp… and try not to make it boring. {All pictures are mine, clicked by my dear husband}

Ustrasana or Camel Pose

As you can see, this pose is a great way to stretch the back. It stretches the front of the body, thighs, gives a deeper backbend, strengthing the back muscles. Be careful not to strain your neck and apply same pressure on both the sides.

Chakravakasana or Sunbird pose

A beautiful pose for Yogis of all level. It strengthens the core and helps in achieving a better balance.

Chaturanga Dandasana

I am still learning to do this pose correctly. This pose makes me realize how weak my arms and elbows are. It’s so tough to maintain a fine balance, parallel to the floor. See how I am struggling 😛

Day 1 – Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)
Day 2 – Bakasana

38 thoughts on “Camel and the Sunbird

  1. I'm sure I have done the first two poses though didn't know their names. However, the last one is indeed extremely challenging! So kudos for at least attempting it…I'm sure you will get much better at it in time Raj! 🙂 <3

  2. camel and chakravakasana are my fav poses! 😀 I'm a goner with chaturanga thats why ive now started doing wall push ups to build up the confidence to do the same on the floor and thereby strengthening arms!! but i guess planks shud help with the strengthening too! 😀

  3. wow.. i can do the chaturanga dandasana.. and i know how tough it was to just to lift my body off the ground. but its good for balancing our weight.

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