
Yoga Every Damn Day – As a part of A to Z April Blogging challenge, I am going to post a series of Yoga poses. Don’t worry I will keep it simple and crisp… and try not to make it boring.

Bakasana (Crane/Crow pose)

Hey look I am a crow!! I can hold this pose for just a few breaths. This arm-balance almost kills my wrists. Takes lots of practice and strength to hold it for long. I usually practice arm balances towards the end of my yoga flow as by that time my body is warmed up. 

Benefits are:
Strengthens arms and wrists. Stretches the upper back. Strengthens the abdominal muscles. Opens the groin. Tones the abdominal organs.” source PocketYoga

Day 1 – Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

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