Sunrise Yoga Photoshoot

“I am not strong for a girl, I am just strong” 

I follow a dozen of yoga girls on instagram. Those incredibly fit and strong ladies keep inspiring me to meet my fitness goals. I regret giving up yoga after joining college. That was 10 years ago. Today, I am running a race again time to attain the same flexibility. And boy it’s tough!! 

As soon as the weekend arrives, I wake up my husband at 4:30 am (waking is an understatement 😛 ), make him drive 25 km to watch sunrise at Clovelly Beach. It had been my dream to be photographed like a silhouette against the rising sun. In case you haven’t read about this new obsession of his – read Husband Histrionics

On the first day I tried few simple yoga poses as I had just started my practice and didn’t want to fall off the cliff with a pulled muscle. 

Camel or Utrasana pose

Dancer’s Pose or Natarajasana

Last week was pretty awesome as the waves were super high, reaching heights higher than the cliff where I was standing.

I so wish I was in the position when the waves hit. 

Warrior III or Virbhadrasana III

 I came across the Wild Thing pose while looking for Yoga photo-shoot ideas and was quite intimidated by it. It was only when I started Vinyasa flow I realized how easily you can get into this position. After much practise, here it is. I love how it opens up, like a blooming flower. So artistic!!

Camatkrasana or Wild Thing Pose

Tree pose or Vrkasana

Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose B or Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B
the scenes – these waves chased me around, drenched me while I was
standing in the Tree Pose, and my darling of a husband didn’t even warn
me, maybe seeking revenge for waking him up at unearthly hour, that too
on a weekend. But since he is an early rise, he didn’t complain much. 
I try to add Yoga in my fitness regime atleast twice a week, most
days it’s cardio and core. Since I don’t go to gym and have a tendency
to get bored easily, I have to keep looking for motivation. 
I have a
long long longgggg way to go before I even start attempting headstands.
Frankly, it scares the hell out of me. And to top it all, my show off of
a husband does handstands like it’s a child play. And he knows no
humility, keeps taunting me whenever I am against the wall, pondering
whether to raise the left leg first or right. Hmmpphh!!!!

Linking to Our World Tuesday

20 thoughts on “Sunrise Yoga Photoshoot

  1. Hey you have shared such simple but effective yoga poses here in your blog. Your photo shoot idea is really unique, which I haven’t seen earlier. Do you have links of online yoga classes as I want to learn yoga with my husband? Help me dear.

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