What’s love if I need an occasion to celebrate it. Isn’t it? Like me, many believe in the celebrating love every single day. Once I had secretly placed munchies in my hubby’s office bag and then called him up the next day, asking him to check the pocket. That laughter and happiness was absolutely priceless.
And it’s even more personalized if you have made something with your own hands, struggling to keep the pieces in place, wondering which one goes where, calculating how many more pieces you need, with fingers laced in glue and bits of paper, you create something purely out of love.
I made this a couple of years back. Had to improvise a lot and it was extremely painful to keep everything intact. But the admiration I received was worth all the struggle.
If you are looking forward to make something special, here’s a step by step instructions to make this 3D origami heart.
The below picture shows how to fold triangles – Golden venture Folding
From a single A4 size paper, 32 such pieces can be made.
I used around 200 such pieces. All created from A4 size printed paper, which I had colored red using crayons. Yeah it’s a lot of work. If you have colored paper handy, use that. I feel, the steps would be more easier to follow if you have some experience in creating 3D Origami, but there’s no reason why you can’t start making one today 🙂
From step 1 to 5, keep on adding pieces, increasing one piece with each level as shown.
In step 6, leave the center while keep adding pieces on either side. So in total you will be adding 6 pieces.
After this level, you need to add 6 pieces at every level, till it forms a shape as shown in picture.
Step 10 is quite tricky, insert the open ends on right side marked 1,2,3 into the pockets on left side marked 1,2,3. If your pieces are coming out, stick them with a glue.
After that press the module in shape.
Click on the image for better view
For more – check out my FB page The Art of folding a Paper
Oops I was trying comment on the Art Projects Post, but left the comment here instead. Sigh I need coffee.
You are a lady of many talents. I am in awe of you. Btw I looked up the heart origami post, and that does look simple enough – at-least your explanation was very clear – hopefully I will get to try that sooner rather than later.