Never-ending Winter

He could never forgive her for leaving him. How he had pleaded! How angry he
was! How she refused his only wish!

It was during the fourth month of pregnancy when the count of her white
blood cells rose and she lost her remission. He tried being supportive yet after
every appointment with the doctor, he felt emptiness closing upon him.

Holding the little fingers of his daughter, he had watched life seep away
from his wife.

The first blooms of spring had blossomed outside. But inside his heart,
today was just another sepia coloured day, of a never-ending winter.
100 Words Story 

PHOTO PROMPT – Copyright – Jan Wayne Fields

**My respect for women fighting Leukaemia increases many fold when they
decide to bring a baby into this world by risking their lives. They stop the
medication as it is harmful for the foetus. It is likely that they would lose
their remission in 9 months. Some successfully go back to remission after
taking medicine for 3 -4 months. I always have to reach for tissues reading
their success stories. 

Linking to Wordy Wednesday (Never-ending Winter)

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