Sugar Rush

Reading A Game of Thrones early in the morning is a very very bad idea. The twists, the plots and sudden deaths are so sudden that you are left gaping at the sentence. And my train would stop just when someone important is murdered. All I could do at that point is close my tab and spend the day in utter dismay, eagerly waiting for the evening when I would be able to resume reading. I am pretty sure my death will be brought upon by a writer… while waiting in anticipation.

But today was quite bearable because we had an awesome Bake Sale today. Remember my post on Employee Appreciation Week. This was a part of the celebration. Many employees had baked delicious sweets and savories and all I did was DIG INTO the amazing display. We donated gold coins($1, $2) which will go to Leukaemia Foundation.

I had a chocolate dipped strawberry muffin, chocolate with marshmallows, two spinach ricotta pie and one salty puff. All homemade and might have ten thousand calories. I devoured them one after the another, with green tea, thinking about all the extra crunches and planks.

By afternoon I had a sugar rush. I felt as if sugar was rushing in my veins and sugar syrup threatening to pour out of my eyes. 😛 Not just me, most of us were scampering for chilly chips and spicy stuffs to counter the effect. My colleagues and I flicked one huge chips packets from a friend’s desk and savoured the salty flavour, grinning endlessly.
I did some zentangling on the balloons too.
In case you are wondering, yeah we managed to complete our work too 😛

7 thoughts on “Sugar Rush

  1. oh wow!! Everything look delicious! I wouldn't mind a sugar rush like that at all!! 😀

    And the zentangle on the balloon is very pretty 🙂

  2. Ohh lucky you! I'm reading this post and looking around me at the office I'm sitting in…If this week of urs doesn't end, I'm not sure I can work in this concrete jungle anymore! 😀

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