I have already listed the books I read in 2014. My goal was to read atleast 20 , but till now I could manage just 14.
Here’s a new list of books I prepared to be completed. Wow I sound so focused!!
A song of Ice and Fire series – George R R Martin
I couldn’t watch the popular TV drama A Game of Throne, which is based on the book. Too violent and visually stressful for me. But I would love to read the series. Infact I have already started with the first book.
Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers – Grant Naylor
A comedy sci-fi novel, which is lying on my wattpad for the past one year.
PostMortem – Patricia Cornwell
Impressed by Patricia’s thrilling storytelling, I want to read the first book that she authored.
The Blood of Olympus – Rick Riorden
Final book in the series of The Heroes of Olympus
Kane Chronicles – Rick Riorden
The fantasy world created by Rick Riorden is compelling, so much that I want to read other series authored by him.
And the Mountains Echoed – Khaled Housseini
I know many have already finished reading it, I might be the only one still struggling to fit it in between other novels.
The Bell Jar – Sylvia Path
Her poetry is thought proving, written with such powerful conviction. I wonder what her book has to offer.
The Day of the Jackal – Frederick Forsyth
This would be the first book I would read written by the author.
The Time Traveller’s wife – Audrey Niffenegger
All the booklovers out there, please don’t kill me when I say that this curious cat had already read the storyline in wiki. (I could hear a collective gasp). So now I am even more intrigued to read the book, atleast before watching the movie.
The fault in our stars – John Green
The whole world is crying buckets after watching the movie. Almost every teenage girl out here is carrying this book. The song is absolutely beautiful. So yeah I can’t be any more motivated to read the book.
Some interesting books there. I've read some of them, and I particularly loved The Time Traveller's Wife and The Bell Jar. And the GoT books are exciting, of course. 🙂
I've started keeping track of the books I read only from Jan 2014 onwards. And since then I've managed to read 35 books so far – hey, it's been my sabbatical year! The last few years of working kept me so busy that I would feel too fatigued mentally to pick up books – something a ten-year old me couldn't have imagined in her wildest nightmares. I'm determined to keep making time for books even after I get back to work, which would be soon.
U've got some great books there! Happy reading 🙂
That's quite a mix of books Raj! Happy Reading! 😉 I'm curious to know which ones you read last year…do you have that list somewhere? 😉 <3
So many books tor read. 😀
Great list! I've read a few of them. So many books, so little time!
I couldn't get into Game of Thrones either. Some good choices here however.
Wow, what an eclectic taste in books. I have read 2 books and I ahve not heard of atleast 4-5 of the books. Going to find out now. 🙂
Game of Thrones is simply brilliant!
Day of the Jackal is a classic if you ask me – one of Forsyth's best works.
Time Traveller's wife is superb too..
Oh and PostMortem is simply brilliant and chilling. I love Patricia Cornwell's narrative.
I am not a huge fan of The fault in our stars for various reasons…
And I have made a note of the rest of the books to read! 😀
I can vouch for the Time Traveller's Wife. Do let me know about The Game of Thrones. I'll pick from your list too.
I enjoyed the book The Day of the Jackal. The movie did justice to it, though they had to cut short some parts.