Insta Travel – July

Hello there, it’s that time of the month when I share some of my most liked Instagram photos of the previous month. Don’t forget to follow my travel pictures here rajlakshmihb
Most of the photos were clicked at Chinese Garden, Sydney. You can walk with me into the garden here – The Secret Garden.


I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils; – Wordsworth


A splendid evening in Sydney

Walking down the path, some new, some old.
 This picture reminds me of Icarus from Greek Mythology. 
Clicked at La Perouse Beach, Sydney

22 thoughts on “Insta Travel – July

  1. this is sydney oh my .. I spent weeks there and did not know about it .. missed the chance .. well 2015 i will be coming again so will add to the list to make sure i dont miss this


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