Gently, he lifted the paper lantern. The flame flickered slightly in cool winter breeze. He closed his eyes before pushing it away. The wind embraced the
ruffling paper, carrying his message, towards the starless heaven.
ruffling paper, carrying his message, towards the starless heaven.
I remember spending my childhood, sitting on his lap, listening to tales.
Still ringing in my ears, is that one lesson he taught me ages ago.
Still ringing in my ears, is that one lesson he taught me ages ago.
My grandfather said that the art of losing isn’t hard to master. Yet, year
after year, I watched him send letters to grandma, lovingly tied in the flimsy
after year, I watched him send letters to grandma, lovingly tied in the flimsy
Maybe I will never master this art. Just like him.
Heart warming, Rajlakshmi. Our grand parents were ahead of their times and yeah, we can never match their heart always ready to give and performing extraordinary human things.
If those messages through paper lanterns gave him solace, sobe it.Dear ones may pass away but memories never fade or die.
ohh such a touching story Rajlakshmi. Very nice
Tina from The Sunny Side of Life
Heart breaking and heart warming at the same time. It's really difficult to lead a life w/o your special someone. A beautiful way to remember them!
That was heart breaking such heart warming. A new way to communicate with people who left us…
hmmmm it is a beautoiful write up but with a hint of sadness too..
and grand parents are the best always