Of Winter Mornings and Nails

It’s been a year since we landed in Sydney, since the day my husband and I left everything behind and took the plunge towards our dream. The winter reminds me of our initial days. The stark contrast between Bangalore summer and Sydney winter had frozen us, right in the airport itself. Time flies so fast. As I type these words, I could feel my fingers slowly going cold. 😛
Talking of fingers, I did few more nail art last week.

My Roti making skills are still abysmal but I am an expert at finding Kaamchalao easy fixes (blame it on 6 years of being a software developer). I mix all the ingredients with water, make a dosa like paste and then fry it like Poori 😛 Sometimes I would chop onions or beetroot and call it a hybrid version of Thalipeeth.


Getting up in the morning is a herculean task and to top it all, every day I struggle with the shower, trying to find the perfect mixture of hot and cold water.

souce – Google
And I feel like never ever getting out of the shower. The other day, my absent mindedness crossed every limit of absurdity when after a long time of playing with hot water I forgot whether I used the soap or not. {facepalm}

souce – Google

17 thoughts on “Of Winter Mornings and Nails

  1. Hehe, even I forget a few times if I have used soap or not. Then, like a dog, I try to smell my arms to see whether they smell of soap. 😛

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