Convict Silos

Convict Silos at Cockatoo Island, Sydney

When you read about the history of prisons at Cockatoo Island, it brings back some gory and painful images. One of them is about Convict Silos.
These silos were the first government grain silos built by the convicts who were imprisoned at the island. The bottle shaped silos were chiselled down by hand and were made to avoid food shortages.

There’s a story reported on 5th October 1852. Three men were sent down into the silo (maybe to fetch wheat grains). Their long absence and silence lead to suspicion that all was not right. Three more men were sent down to fetch them. They found the three men and were drawn up using ropes. At first the men were quite insensible but later on were brought around.

The other three men who had so heroically rescued the men were also under the influence and their life was extinct. It is said that the air of the pit was impure and believed it must have arisen from wet wheat grains, leading to air becoming fatal for life.

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