The Watch Alert

I wasn’t much of a couch potato untill I started watching Big Bang Theory. It was already season 3 when I first started watching it. So there was a lot to catch up. I would reach home by 8 pm, cook a ridicuously bland dinner, and watch the serial one after another till 5 am. With headphones on, I would be laughing alone like a lunatic at all the antics of Sheldon 🙂 Ahh the bliss of living alone.

But after marriage, I had to schedule everything. Because my husband is just as much of a crazy Serial addict. So we fought, argued, debated – over Californication and Castle, Mentalist and True Blood. 
Image Souce Here
Each day we would list out points, why Beckett is far more interesting than irresponsible Hank. Why Mentalist is more realistic than Vampires and Werewolves. 
Imagine, I was actually rooting against vampires.
 Image – Google

Today I finally found the site where I can watch Castle online 😀
Hubby is away on a photo walk. Ohh BLisss!!!! 

 Image – Google
Don’t Miss out on previous Musings 🙂

Day 5 E: The Elephant Explanation 

Day 6 F: The Friendship Ramification  
Day 7 G: The Gobsmacked Syndrome 

Day 8 H: The Husband Histrionics  
Day 9 I: The Insanity Aggregation 
Day 10 J: The Boga Joba Juxtaposition
Day 11 K: The Kitchen Katastrophes
Day 12 L: The Love Lunaticism
Day 13 M: Momentum of a Moment
Day 14 N: The Nikki Adoration
Day 15 O: The OCD Instability 
Day 16 P: The Puppy Dog Eyes Mutation 
Day 17 Q: The Quad Bikers
Day 18 R: The Room Extrapolation
Day 19 S: The Slytherin Overpowerment 

Day 20 T: The Tees and Jeans Squabble 
Day 21 U: The Ultra Chic Complex
Day 22 V: The Virtuoso Annihilation 

33 thoughts on “The Watch Alert

  1. So far we have only disagreed on House of Cards. I don't know what future holds for us :p I really hate the idea of watching TV in separate rooms!

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