Crescent Moon | Cinq Trois DecaLa Rhyme | Poem about Nature

Crescent Moon

Descending from jeweled midnight blue sashays a crescent moon,
Graceful shimmers of the silver crown, make hiding shadows swoon,
Besotted twilight whispers a song, into the silent night,
Settled on brown mushrooms, are crickets watching the charming sight,
Afar howls a raucous coyote, startling a hooting owl,
Splashing bright stars in crystal streams, playfully the Tiger growls
Gemini sparkles high above, underneath, the Lion prowls,
Bugs and bees, Toads and trees, swirl and twirl to harmonious tune
Riding on tangerine rays, sparrows commence their daily flight
Away she walks the moony beauty, waking up sleepy fowls.

I love watching the crescent moon, against the deep blue sky and dark shadows of the trees. Little Venus, the forever companion of the Moon, shining brightly next to it – this is one of my favorite night views. Today’s poetry form for A to Z challenge is CinqTroisDecaLaRhyme

Poetry Form – CinqTroisDecaLaRhyme

This poetry type is created by Laura Lamarca. The poem contains one stanza of 10 lines. The rhyme scheme goes – AABBCCCABC and the syllable count of each line is 15

Don’t forget to hop in here:

Don’t Miss out on previous poetry types
Day 1 – A for Acrostic                                       
Day 2 – B for Blitz   
Day 3 – C for CinqTroisDecaLaRhyme                    
Day 4 – D For Diamente  
Day 5 – E for Essence                                       
Day 6 – F for Florette 
Day 7 – G for Ghazal 
Day 8 – H for Haiku 
Day 9 – I for Inverted Refrain 
Day 10 – J for Joseph Star
Day 11 – K for Kyrielle 
Day 12 – L for Lanturne 
Day 13 – M for Minute Poetry
Day 14 – N  for Nove Otto
Day 15 – O for Octelle
Day 16 – P for Palindrome
Day 17 – Q for Quatrain
Day 18 – R for Rictameter 
Day 19 – S for Shape Poetry
Day 20 – T for Trifall   
Day 21 – U for U, yes U
Day 22 – V for Villanelle 
Day 23 – W for Wrapped Refrain
Day 24 – X for X 
Day 25 – Y for Yuefu
Day 26 – Z for ZaniLa Rhyme

Cinq Trois DecaLa Rhyme Poetry Type | Short Poems about nature

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