Beauty and Attitude | Blitz Poetry Type | Poem

A blitz poem about beauty and attitude in life. This is my first attempt at writing a blitz poem.

Theme of the challenge: Poetry Types

What is beauty? A perception? A fad? An attitude? Here’s a Blitz poem about beauty

Beauty is skin deep
Beauty lies in attitude
Attitude towards life
attitude in thoughts
thoughts can be hurtful
thoughts raised by stereotypes
Stereotypes based on colour
Stereotypes about size
size is just a number
size doesn’t define people
people bias harshly
people need to change
change in lifestyle
change to respect traits
traits define inner beauty
traits aren’t showcased by Photoshop
Photoshop is used to print glamour
Photoshop is not reality
reality ain’t airbrushed beauties
reality is in your soul
soul that thrives to survive
soul filled with compassion
compassion towards humankind
compassion to love
love despite differences
love without prejudice
prejudice is unjustified
prejudice corrodes society
society needs be broad minded
society is made by you
you can remove misconception
you can revolutionize
revolutionize thoughts
revolutionize perception
perception that hurts
perception about curves
curves define femininity
curves are healthy
healthy living
healthy body
body needs exercise
body hates anorexia
anorexia is lethal
anorexia sucks away smile
smile and rejoice
smile along with life
life embraced by love
life without ridicule

Related post – A for Acrostic

What is Blitz Poetry?

Robert Keim is the creator of the Blitz poetry form. It’s a poem with repetitive images and has a quick flow, which is read very quickly.

The beginning can be a short phrase or cliche. Now start the next line with the same word as first one.  The third and fourth line with begin with the last word of line 2. The 5th and 6th lines will begin with the last word of line 4 and so on. Continue writing like this till 48th line.   The 49th line would be a single word- same as end word of line 47, and 50th line will be same as the last word of line 48. The title consists of three words, where the first word from third line is joined with the first word from 47th line with a preposition or a conjunction.

There should be no punctuation. 

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blitz poem about beauty

57 thoughts on “Beauty and Attitude | Blitz Poetry Type | Poem

  1. I'd not seen this form before, I learned something new today! Love it. Will have to give it a shot one of these days for fun : )

  2. hahaha didn't feel that way when I wrote it, now after you mentioned, it does seem to have a beat to it 😀 thank you so much. You should definitely try writing one 🙂

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