
Ting!!! the bulb lit in my head as soon as I read the topic. “Now that’s something I can always write on“, I said aloud, grinning ear to ear.

But I seriously misjudged by capability as I sat down to pen my thoughts. Scratch scratch scratch went my black colored pen as I crossed out word after word and still couldn’t produce one sensible line that was related to the topic.

Losing all hope I opened the window, to let in a fresh breath of air. It was then my story started unfolding as I listened to the murmurs outside world – Buzzing bees, Squeaks of squirrels, slow timely thumps of see-saw and chuckles of little kids playing in the park. 

Phew!!! Finally my post on Onomatopoeia is complete. 

Do you remember this poem from school days?? 

Here’s more Onomatopoeia 

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda

7 thoughts on “Onomatopoeia

  1. Ah, now I feel old, it's been a long time since I heard the pied piper. Great light-hearted post, lovely to read on a Sunday, thank you!

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