My Favorite Travel Destinations in India

I love to travel and each time I visit a place I take my time to assimilate into the new environment. The difference in culture fascinates me, I love studying the landscape, enjoy local cuisines, admire the architecture and vegetation of the place. Here are some of my favorite travel destinations in India 🙂

Jorhat (Assam)

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort -Jane Austen With sprawling Tea Gardens and refreshing views, Assam is the land of Blue Mountains and Red soil, also home to one-horned rhinoceros. It is not only biodiverse but also rich in cultural heritage.

Also, read this post on the disappearing island of Majuli – Majuli

jorhat assam - travel destinations in India
Sunrise clicked while on a road trip
Meleng Tea Estate - Jorhat District
Meleng Tea Estate – Jorhat District
brahmaputra river
The mighty Brahmaputra river

Tippi (Arunachal Pradesh)  

There are places that are pure poetry. If Kerala is God’s Own Country, then Arunachal is God’s Own Heaven. The land of dawn-lit mountains will leave you breathless with it’s mesmerizing beauty.

Get a glimpse of this beautiful state – Land of Rising Sun

arunachal pradesh
arunachal pradesh


Shillong is one of the places where I did a road trip in 2012. One of my favorite spots is the beautiful Nohkalikai falls – the tallest plunge waterfall in India. The lush green mountains and cascading hillsides are bound to steal your heart with their charm. You can read more about my road trip in Shillong here – Shillong Road Trip

Barachukki Falls

Those in Bangalore and surrounding areas, this is a lovely place to spend time with family, friends, and kids. I went for a team outing and had the time of my life 😀

barachukki falls bangalore


Some fond memories are associated with Goa. It was my first road trip (from Bangalore). I did wind-sailing for the first time, went for river cruise, rode a jet-ski, watched dolphins and almost tried to drown myself in Banana Boat. 😛 Ohh I had a fun-filled vacation in Goa.    You can read more about the trip here – Travelogue Goa Road Trip

Sunset at Kanyakumari  

I loved the liveliness of the place, there were thousands of people on the beach that day to watch the sunset. More than the westering sun it was the whole atmosphere I loved.

sunset in kanyakumari
Travel destinations in India – Kanyakumari

A view of two famous monuments – Vivekanand Rock and Thiruvalluvar statue

Vivekanand Rock and Thiruvalluvar statue

Related Post – Beautiful waterscapes in India

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beautiful places in india

20 thoughts on “My Favorite Travel Destinations in India

  1. I’ve covered 50% of the places you’ve shared. I’ve been to Assam, Shilong, Goa but have to cover rest of the destinations. You’ve increased my homework. 😉

  2. I can say that i’ve covered 50% of the places you’ve shared. i loved shillong, assam, Goa but i still have many places left. i can see that from your post. you’ve increased my Homework 😉

  3. I don’t get to travel and I love reading posts like this is I am able to see the world through other people’s eyes. Love the photos and the pics of the waterfalls are just beautiful!

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