Day 2 – Creative Crafts

I love being creative. And glad that atleast I got those genes from my parents. Sometimes, it’s like a drug, keeps me
high. Yeah I know, typically Nerdy talk. So let me introduce you to my Ecstasy.
1. Quilling

I am insanely in love with paper. No I don’t eat it, I roll them and make these. Here’s an earring I made recently and a handmade card.

2)      3D Origami

 Before I started making quilling models, I was completely devoted to 3D Origami. These are some of my earlier works. Been a long time since I made a 3D model. 

3. Shape Poetry

I have always been fascinated by different types and forms of poetry. This is my favorite category, it’s challenging and still allows me to be as creative as possible. This is one of the shape poetry I wrote. For more you can check out my poetry blog –

4) MS Paint

Ohh I love to experiment in Microsoft paint too. Since I use most of the paper in creating other crafts, I virtually torture MS Paint with my hopeless drawing skills.

{Click on the image for better view}

5 Photography

Now now I am no expert, either I understand the technical nuances or terms, but then when you got a 14 MP camera, kare to kiya kare. So I picked up another creative craft. 

6 Writing

If there’s anything I have ever been serious and passionate about, it’s writing. The unbelievably strong medium that voices my thought, gives a new form to my insanity and not to forget how many crazy like-minded people I have interacted and made friends with 😀 

7 Drawing

This is a picture of my hostel room about 6 years ago. The wall was filled with my childish drawings 😀 I still draw but mostly designs for my quilling works 🙂


I am taking part in #WriteFestival

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