In the past three days I get to read about 3 rape cases of minors in Bangalore. Out of them one involves the allegation on a French consulate worker for raping his 4 yr old daughter.
So are we still holding women and their attire responsible for rape? Is the seven year old who was raped and thrown into the lake responsible for the crime that was inflicted on her?
In another glaring incident of honor killing, a man beheads his daughter after he suspects her of having affairs with several men. Then are some communities in Jaisalmer trying to make the death of their daughters look natural by denying them food and medical treatment.
Three days, yes in three days I get to read about such ghastly incidents. And I couldn’t help but wonder if our Indian society is only filled with filth. Female infanticide, honor killing, dowry death – we are a country where reside murderers. We either kill or watch others getting killed, lacking even the minimum qualities to be considered as human.
And no why should we raise our voice? Why should we fight against the irrational norms of the society? After all we got our pathetic lives with ‘Blackberry suits’ and ‘Facebook likes’ to take care of.
For me I really cant differentiate between a person who kills his own kin in the name of religion/caste and a person who marries based on caste. We have to eradicate this herd mentality from the very root. If you want to eradicate honor killing Boycott CASTE ! Stop going to church , temples, mosques. Your faith is a very deeply personal relationship towards god. What does it ever have to do with POLITICS !
The Assam case was to follow all this, words now seem of no use.
hmhm….. Who said you cannot do anything about whats happening. I believe big changes are brought about by a culmination of several small changes. Your post is one such attempt. Hen we talk, we instigate change. When we discuss, we inspire change. All it needs, is someone who has a lot of hope. What say??
distressing indeed yar..
The only visible solution unfortunately is to stop following news! 🙁
somehow have missed your posts all these days. I must say you turn waste into beautiful stuffs by quilling and origami. Develops concentration and patience too right?
Yeah reading newspaper is depressing..Even today there is a news of 4 year old murdered
oh yes we love those like buttons , I can vouch my life YOU put this post on ur FB status you will get a few likes on this one too …
I can see the anger through your post. I too feel it but don't know what to do about it apart from writing about it.