Raging in her heart was revenge – for a forced undignified existence, for blind judiciary.
”Justice will be done”, she thought, pressing her hand against her slightly swollen belly.
”Justice will be done”, she thought, pressing her hand against her slightly swollen belly.
Her eyes reflected the flames blazing the house.
Roaring fire gulped down the screams of a mauled man locked inside, stabbed twice by his daughter.
It's sad..but the injustice deserves this kind of treatment!! WEll written Raji!
wow! very well written 🙂
a perfect kill I must say!
wow! terrific! justice!
So much said in so few words. It conjures up all sort of thoughts in my head! Nice work.
Very sad..but pulls a heart string.
domestic voilence is on the rise ..
gets the horrifying point across in a few words.. great writing
Sometimes actions tell you the whole story!!!
Well written!
Very painful and sad 🙁
Wonderfully written!!