::Thursday Poet’s Rally:: Dancing on Horizon

Dancing on Horizon
I feel honoured to receive Perfect Poet for week 21 . Thank you so much πŸ˜€
I would like to nominate Meghana (Megzone)Her experiments with different forms… her zeal to improve with each write … her enthusiam and her support to the fellow poets … it’s really praise worthy πŸ™‚ so Meggie dear… this award is for you  πŸ™‚
There are some more awards that Jingle had rewarded me πŸ™‚ Thanks again Ji for all the encouragement πŸ™‚ …
Celebrate Bloggers of April
The Most Confident Poet Award
The most far-sighted poet Award
The Most Perfect Poet Award

22 thoughts on “::Thursday Poet’s Rally:: Dancing on Horizon

  1. Hi Rajlakshmi, this is the first time that I've encountered something called 'Shape Poetry'… this concept is amazing and novel. I've never tried something like this before. I am so glad that you visited my blog and gave me a chance to glimpse into your talents. A lot to learn from you. Cheers! Punam

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