Thursday Poet’s Rally Week 19::Dying Nation::

Here’s my Entry for Jingle’s Thursday Poet’s Rally week 19 … I wrote this long time back 🙂
Dying Nation

Anguished, frustrated
Cowering Inside,
Trapped in cobweb
Nation’s life.
Disentangle, escape
Tightening grip,
Handcuffed by
Society’s whip.
Hypocrats, Scandals
Stymieing progress,
Repressed opinion
Honesty undressed.
Bomb-Blast, massacres
Breaking events,
Delighted vultures
Hunger content.

I would also like to accept the following poetry awards for participating in Week 18 … thank you so much Jingle 🙂
The Most Intelligent Poet Award
The Most Open Minded Poet Award
The Most honest Poet award

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