::Of Bihu, tea garden and cousins ::

Spending Bihu (The festival of Assam) at home is a kind of luxury that I would love to indulge into but often the timings doesn’t match… Luckily this time I got to enjoy Rongali bihu at home.
I just adore my uncle’s Tea garden… a gossip ground for all my cousins…. we would roam and talk and have numerous photo sessions here… specially the talks would revolve around girlfriends and boyfriends 😛
The Gang of cousins
My grandfather’s (Dad’s side) home is situated between tea estates… its  a treat to visit them 🙂

Groups of little kids would flock our garden and perform Bihu and after the performance we would say a prayer and offer them either snacks and money. The above photo was taken at my Granddad’s place.
The kids reciting a prayer for the family.

21 thoughts on “::Of Bihu, tea garden and cousins ::

  1. You make us proud….thnx for making so many people around the world know about our festival…..its always a pleasure to read and watch your creations…….

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