Let’s take a break from the photo blog and let me you tell you a story of Lucy and Lassy – the newest addition to my pet family.
Addition and subtraction is a part of our life too… Dearest Tiger’s demise was such blow to our family, especially to Dad, that we planned not to keep a dog anymore. As I entered our garden, I missed its joyful barking and welcoming embrace, only to be surprised by two quaking creatures… muddling in the mud…
Lucy and Lassy, who were meant to end up on dinner table were rescued by my Jeev-hatya-paap-hai Mom from the clutches of my Dad and since then these two quack quacks have become personal favourite of Mom. She would bath them, feed them and won’t even let us make omelette of their eggs.
There are around two containers full of eggs which she feverously protects from our greedy stomach. Her plan is to make Lucy and Lassy hatch those eggs and nurture a family of ducklings 🙄 , to the utter dismay of my dad 😀 .
Both me and Dad coaxed sister Dahling to scare mom with her Duck Virus Enteritis theories and how herpesvirus can cause fatal duck diseases… plus debating her theories with more facts and figures {Although we didn’t understand any of her scientific terminologies, she still had our whole hearte support} Let’s see how much it helps in deterring Mom from going forward with her plan of happy ducky family.
During my stay at Sister’s hostel in Guwahati, I got the chance to meet His royal Highness Golu the cat again, owned by Ashimi, sister’s friend. It seems Golu had expertise in slapping and biting and now he got a partner too- an orange cat Mojo, who’s still learning the tricks. Golu had taught Mojo how to use $h*t-box and how to cover the $h*t with sand, how to drink water from fish bowl.
Mojo being a brilliant student has learned the art pretty well. But that day we discovered it’s another hidden talent– the art of hair trimming. My sister, while she was cuddling and coochie-cooing it, received a trendy haircut by his specialized paws. Have a look.
Back to Chennai:
Our Goldfish Zack is growing into a PYT (Pretty young Thing) 😀 . My roomie got a new home for it. New pebbles, a new plastic coral, and a new plastic fish too 🙂
Thats all from my end today.
woow cool i am so glad you liked it 😀
thanks a lot 😀
hehehe lucky ducky 😛
thanks a lot 😀
thanks a lot
and welcome to my blog 🙂
is it true!!!
sounds cool 😀
thanks a lot 😀
hehehe 😀 chase chase seems a good excercise too 😛
thanks a lot 😀
i love my fishy a lottt 😀
thanks a lot 😀
you too taking mom's side 😀
well i just don't want a family of ducks 😛 one or two is ok 😛
thanks a lot 😀
ya new home 😀
hehehe seems a lot of cats have clawed you 😛
thanks a lot 😀
@Bride 24
welcome to my blog
glad to have you here 🙂
thanks a lot 🙂
thank you so mu
three poetry awards,
hot blog award,
what fabulous post!
love it!
Nice narration. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing.