Cute Crushes to Catastrophic Crashes

School days–The Spring season of crushes … { not my fault πŸ˜› blame it on the rush of hormones πŸ˜› } Those were the times when we would ingeniously spend lunch periods ogling at the School Captain and criticizing the length of skirt of his girlfriend πŸ˜› … {It still beats me why the Head boys had to be Adonis in disguise and their cropped-hair-long-nails-chirping girlfriends – unfortunately a diva  ?}… Poor tiny souls like me would secretly sigh at his incredibly attractive smile πŸ˜€ … and play darts on his girlfriend’s pictures πŸ˜› (which was splashed all over the glossy school magazine )…

If that was not enough, God had instilled in her all the qualities that we were shrewdly devoid of … topper in class, prize winner in Dancing, inter school basketball championship, All State Science congress, District level painting competition, inter house debate competition and the list goes on… sigh!!!!

Often the green monster and the Cupid were amazingly cooperative with each other πŸ˜› … But then 12th grade students rarely glanced at 6th graders, except to check their uniforms in the Morning Assembly πŸ˜›

The symptoms of having a Crush appeared long before its meaning did …till 10th standard, it was the strange gooey feeling that caused maximum number of crashes, as a result of momentary lapse of concentration when the photoreceptors in the retina send an image that was extraordinarily pleasing… πŸ˜€ {I wonder if this is how I blabbered when one beautiful morning the vice captain asked my name :P}

Just one of their enchantingly fascinating look used to make my knees jitter like a rattlesnake πŸ˜€ … and butterfly’s close cousin Dragonfly would perform a rumba and salsa in the gastro-oesophageal junction, sometimes extending up to large intestines… and then TANGGGG!!!! I hit hard against the concrete pillar near my class … head on!!!… that was my first CRASH … which was later followed by a collision with Tamarind tree, then the basketball pole, then the door of physics lab, then with English Ma’m… and it continued… if my sanity is a little imbalanced, you know the reason now πŸ˜›

Starched White Shirt, skirt impeccably ironed, shoes – chick chack  one had to be this conscious if one’s computer teacher was as distractingly.. ahem… pleasant to eyes as mine was πŸ˜› … The sight of him, riding his Silver Adreno used to bungle all my SQL queries … With the juniors, Arts and Commerce girls vying for his attention, the competition was real tough πŸ˜› and it didn’t help either when I crashed the school computer πŸ˜›

And then came the famine period, that I bestowed on myself by joining Engg πŸ˜› … Bearded-Grandfather as Professors squishing us under C/C++, life was hopelessly a null pointer exception …. When in 7th semester arrived a young, extremely dashing fresh-out-of-college Electrical Circuits lecturer πŸ˜€ … the electrical circuitry of the girls from 1st to 4th year went phoooosss !!! Trips to practical labs mounted upto 5 times a day … professors and guys – baffled by this sudden interest in Electric and Magnetic waves… our future looked bright in fields of Electronic Cardio-Psychoanalysis {never mind the capacitors and resistors we fused… πŸ˜› }

Those were such childlike innocent moments, maybe that’s why we remember them with a smile … those memories never ache, no matter how many times you were crushed by crashes πŸ˜›


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24 thoughts on “Cute Crushes to Catastrophic Crashes

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