::Chronicles of a Homeless Princess::

You wake up one beautiful sunny Sunday morning, to find that your dearest house owner has cut off your electricity and water supply . Moreover, your Fatso broker’s birdbrain Assistant (sincere apologies to the Bird community) calls to inform that he is on his way to remove his precious beddings and cupboards. And even before your extremely-shocked self could get hold of situation, the owner drops another bomb – an order to vacate the house by evening… now where will the poor girls staying in there would go? The broker is untraceable, no prior notice – did the sky also fall down that day ?? The tenants are suffering because of a quarrel between the broker and the owner…

So there we were… my roomie and myself… cursing and packing 😛 … the amount of luggage we had is not something that could be packed and moved just like that… And moved to where??? … soap went into rice box and Dettol went along with tissues 😛 … mirror between towels and Teddy inside blanket cover… rice and dal inside basket and soap inside sweet cover … 12 airbags + 10 polythene and hand bags + 2 beddings + 2 tables + 2 plastic racks + 3 pillows + 2 laptops + modem, phone and router … where were we suppose to dump these and where should we dump ourselves ?? …

The incarnation-of-Satan Assistant was all the time singing and whistling… Grrrrr I felt like marinating him with Mexican red chilies, sauté in Hydrofluoric acid till his bones were soft like rubber and feed him to Cerberus – the guard of hell… and if still some of his cursed fragments remained I would feed the crows near the garbage dumping ground of Chennai …

So after few calls, we finally got a place to dump our luggage, said quick goodbyes and left … left the place where we had been staying ever since we landed on Chennai soil… There was no time to even feel sentimental about it …

Finally after unloading our luggage in a friend’s place, realization slowly dawned that we are now homeless wanderers … And we don’t have that many friends either 😛 … loading ourselves with a backpack of basic essentials for one week, again we set in search of shelter 😀 …

For the time being, roomie is at her friend’s PG, myself in my friend’s room, we have searched for PG which will be able to accommodate us in another 2 weeks… so till then, its me, my backpack and the road… 😀

The only place left for me to go is Office… Dear God is there anything else left for me to see 😛 Being a destitute isn’t that bad either 😀 quite an adventure I am having 😀 … Parents are still not aware of our present without-roof condition for the obvious reason 😀

Even more heart breaking is the fact that just one week before, we had cleaned our room for continuous 5 hours, breaking the months old peace treaty with spiders and cockroaches… gosh did they cursed us for destroying their homes 😯 … hereby I solemnly swear that never ever I will kill a cockroach or break spider’s web 😀 …

Another fact that pains my delicate heart is that, just one week before, after numerous visits to Airtel showroom, burning in the cruel heat of Chennai afternoon, missing numerous lunch, broadband was installed in our room… I feel like crying just to imagine all the Farming and Blogging that I am going to miss… {My crops have died too }

Dearest God did I do something wrong or were you overflowing with ideas while writing my story and why do you have to make people so money-crazy stone-hearted, bereft of any humanity ??

Anyways, Princess is homeless but still enjoying each moment… don’t ask me how … 😛


23 thoughts on “::Chronicles of a Homeless Princess::

  1. @Kanagu
    well… its just few people …
    ya they should have given prior notice… but they didnt… i feel like brading his head grrrr…

    thanks a lot 😀

    I should have been an evil scientist… then i would have drowned him in H2SO4 😛
    some people are money crazy… and all are dumped in my fate…
    thanks a lot 😀
    haven't played mafia wars…

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