The night was unusually bright, lit not only by the strands of silky moonlight but also by thousand twinkling artificial lights. And why, not after all it was Christmas Eve.
Lying on the cold pavement, Little Sheena listened to the merry making that was going in the nearby buildings- laughter, loud music and clinking of glasses. The road was deserted except for few like her who were sleeping on the cold concrete. The rags barely protected her slender self from the bitter cold.
She looked back again to see if he was there. She knew he would come, even though young Sammy chided her for being so ignorant and unrealistic.
The crumbled star on her little Christmas tree was shining, reflecting light from many other huge Decorated Pines. Collecting branches and shiny papers, she had made her own Christmas tree and placed it near her ragged ‘pillow’.
This year she had tried to be a very good girl. Each moment she remembered how the school going uniformed girls with red tie and plaited hair would talk of some Santa Claus, who would bring gifts every Christmas if one behaved properly and place them under the Christmas tree. She had tried to be her best, from sharing her meager food to helping the old, just to see this Kind Man with white beard.
As the night grew darker, barely she was able to keep herself from swaying into dreamland.
A sound woke her up. Startled, she looked for her Christmas tree. Yes it was there, and so was a box wrapped in colorful paper. For a moment she didn’t move, not able to figure out if it was dream or reality. She looked around to see if someone was there. But the road was empty, and graveyard silence prevailed. Slowly, she took the box and placed it on her lap. A smile brightened her little face.
Nearby, behind the chimney, a silver bearded man looked on. “ You know Dasher ”, as he patted its back, “her smile is the best gift I have ever given. ”
Holding the reins, he called “ Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen … lets go … Ho ho ho”
And the sledge glided across the sky.
I hope we don’t need a Santa Claus to gift a smile. We all can don Santa’s Cap 😛
Wish you all a Merry Chritmas… Enjoy 😀
Wish you all a Merry Chritmas… Enjoy 😀
**Dasher ,Dancer ,Prancer ,Vixen, Comet, Cupid ,Donner ,Blitzen ,Rudolf – Names of Santa’s Reindeers.
thank you so much 🙂
wish you too a happy new year 🙂
@the holy Lama
well said…
thanks a lot 😀
thank you and same to you 🙂
very nice story 🙂
Happy holidays..
Ya u r right..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Merry Christmas and a happy new Year !!!!
Only if we play the role Santa once a while will we see more smiles and be more happy. Season's greeting to you too.:)
thank you so much for the kind words 🙂
Wow thts a touching story tht captured the essence of X-Mas like no other….
thanks a lot… welcome to my space 🙂
keep visiting 🙂
hehehe well i dodnt see any before writing this 🙂
thanks a lot 😀
thanks a lot 🙂
wish you too happy holidays 🙂 enjoy 🙂
@Chocolate lover
thanks a lot 😀
enjoy the holidays 🙂