::My experiments with truth::

God is truth” … that’s how he summarized his beliefs… he swore to speak only truth… Mahatma ji is an epitome of truth… and the little princess was completely inspired by him… that was 13 years ago though :P…no matter how rowdy I was … the words that were uttered by me were pure truth… unadulterated 😛 … although the outcomes were not something to cherish about 🙄 and if it had not been because of my angelic innocent face, some severe results would still been visible through the years 😛 … {Another fact being I was afraid of the Kauwa(crow) in “Jhoot bole Kauwa kate” wala saying 😛 … what if the Kauwa really kaate my lovely self 😛 }

I was in standard 3, Army School Ambala … as naughty as carefree as ever … one fine day there was supposed to be an English test which (as expected) I was not aware of … So while the whole class was busy writing the best essay ever… the little princess quietly opened her notebook and was busy copying … as the fate may be, Eagle-eyed monitor Mona caught me… grrrr and complained… gained some brownie points too… English Miss glared at me through her harry-potter- glasses and asked if I was guilty of the crime … Me, the honest, and purest and the divine’st’ soul confessed …

UP went both my hands in air, feet swept of the ground… and placed on the bench … and for 1 hour little princess stood at the highest position in the class… Thankfully that was my last day in the school… {which again I was not aware of} … so no parents calling… 😀

My new school was Army School Guwahati… and there we used to have music lessons also… Our Music Miss would write songs on the blackboard and the students were meant to copy them, diligently. So one sunny day, I was yawning…and scribblingteary eyeddead-bored … only thing I wasn’t doing was copying songs… instead my creative instincts were at its best which resulted in drawing strange symbols and patterns (technically – doodles :P)… Believe me Dan Brown would have been impressed … baffled too… 😀

Now that day God knows what came over my Miss, she started asking each one of us if we completed noting down 🙄 … Myself, Miss Satyawati Princess replied with a blunt but hesitant No… and when she checked my copy… all I can say is she certainly was not impressed with my crisscross-awkward designs… there was twitching of ear and next thing I remember is waving at my friends outside the class…kneeled down 😛 Ouch!!! Truth is Painful

Playing the peacemaker between two friends is a dangerous job which the little princess has always performed to perfection {never mind the glitches here and there :P} So one rainy day when Sita and Gita {names changed } were involved in one of the ugliest-snarling-sneering girly fights, Little Princess stepped in and with all her Princess’yness’ and charm she pacified them … { that basically involved tearing them apart and shouting at an ear-piercing decibels }

Now these two girls were Quarrelsome-personified… and when Sita charged me with a bouncer
“Am I more quarrelsome” which was actually the case … I was completely numb… but my Staya-Buddhi got better of my Diplomatic-Buddhi … and before I realized “Dont mind but you are” escaped from my mouth… darn!!!

The Oh-I-Am-so-hurt-that-I-would-fry-you-in-sizzling-oil-with-a-handful-of-chili-in-your-eyes-and-Karela-in-your-mouth look she gave me will forever remain printed in my mind 😛
Truth and Lies…both have landed me in hot soup and I am still not sure which one is my real Foe 😛

** the second part of Wayanad trip is in progress… will post it once I finish consolidating all the breathtaking snaps.

8 thoughts on “::My experiments with truth::

  1. Nice one. I liked it. Thirukkural says telling a lie is not good but one can do so if it is going to be beneficial for the good of all.

  2. Playing the peacemaker ….in fact i loved that job during school days….i remember,like i used say like…U r my close friend and to other- u r my best friend….if u both fight…..conversation will go on like that….at the end they all will laugh and used be friends again 😀
    between that was a hilarious post 😀

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