“Gadhi pe dill aaya tou pari kiya cheez” 🙂
Chivalry was the first thing that the Princess so lovingly taught the Bike Rider… but dim witted he was… couldn’t absorb the meaning properly… and so when in a breezy evening , the Princess breathed fire on him for making her carry the shopping bags plus her purse plus his helmet too while all the way he was coolly flexing his muscles … the Bike rider became a little cautious… atleast to carry his helmet himself… in case his fire breathing princess plan to hammer him with it… but unfortunately his memory would often fail him and occasionally he would end up blurting out “Get me some Ketchup packets” … the princess’s what-the-heck-you-just-said-now glare would straighten up things…
All the time the Princess hoped that he would at least grab some respectable knowledge of chivalry… but it all ended when in a shopping mall the door slammed right into her face… missing her nose by an inch… which the bike rider was supposed to hold for her… that day momos and frankies had to be laid in front of the Princess to cool her down…
Our Mr Rider would frequently get bouts of hunger in early Saturday mornings and Poor Princess had to prepare whatever the demand for the day was… within the stipulated time… pack in a tiffin… and the Rider would come and fetch it… so when one day she found him waiting near her gate instead of his usual place… his bike… she wondered for a second…Maybe he don’t want me to walk in the sun… but on asking he pointed to what he thought was a Ferocious Black dog… circulating his bike…
“C’mon he’s just a little dog… ”
Scared out of his wits… he managed to mumble…
The princess can manage to do anything… except singing… even before she could finish saaaa… a tomato would be found stuffed inside her mouth… to prevent further torture… So when the Bike rider asked the Princess to sing for him… she, with all her haughtiness and princessiness declined… The rider, hurt and upset, blackmailed and emailed her… for hours silent treatment pursued until the Princess finally relented… just to nurse the wounded Rider … what followed after that was a series of “Tum laakh chupao pyaar magar” … and “aacha sila diya tune” songs … all the way the rider would sing with a voice that kept increasing at each verse with expressions and hand gesture.Sitting on the pillion… the Princess could only shake her head…
Then one weekend, the Bike rider planned to go to snowball… the idea didn’t sound that bad to Princess… so dragging herself out of her castle … into the scorching sun… they started… On the way… the princess wondered aloud
“Why are we going towards Apollo?”
“??!!!!???” sheepishly,“err… that’s where the advertisement is displayed”By this time the Princess was fuming….
“You don’t know the way….”
The sun seemed to be having a good laugh at them… when they reached Apollo …”So????”
They laugh at nothing… fight for childish things… get jealous of each other’s complexion … possessiveness would sometimes touch limits… but the love could not be denied… This is the story of the Sassy Princess and her unchivalrious Bike Rider…
Our bike rider is celebrating his birthday today(14t Sept)… and the Princess with all her heart would like to wish him a very beautiful birthday… for tolerating all her tantrums and her attitude and her childishness too…
The journey of life is long and hope it is laid with enough roses for you to enjoy and just a little thorns to realize the worth of happiness… Glad that in that sunny afternoon you landed in the correct table for lunch…
No comments..let me get it clarified on call whether its fictitious to evry bit.. 😛 😛 Nicely penned..can't help saying dis.
thanks a lot
AMEN, to the last lines.Beautifully written. 🙂
hey, belated wishes to the "unchivalrious" biker…tht was a nice story, you presented it pretty well…keep it up 🙂
thght was an interesting fiction coming up…
Belated greetings to the biker boy…!!
thanks a lot Hary for visiting… yup its a real story 🙂 … kind of my life story 🙂
now is the story fiction or made up to suit some one :)? i thought it wud go like the movie enchanted…he he..now nope!..good write..cya around