Pendulum | Shape Poem

It’s been a while since I had penned down anything, so today I tried breaking all the barriers of writer’s block, fiddled with some words and shapes, and this is the result – a pendulum shape poem. Enjoy!!!

As it strikes,
message from unceasing
time unwraps , reminding us
of the hours lost , indicating
the seconds , destined to
come our way .

Shape Poetry:
The shape is one of the main things that separate prose and poetry. Poetry can take on many formats, but one of the most inventive forms is for the poem to take on the shape of its subject. Therefore, if the subject of your poem were a flower, then the poem would be shaped like a flower. If it were of a fish, then the poem would take on the shape of a fish. ><<<*>

For more information:

Related Post – 5 Girl Shape Poems | Creative Writing

10 thoughts on “Pendulum | Shape Poem

  1. This is why i love poems…
    so many forms…!!

    Loved it..!!
    the idea, the format…and the words..!!

    Damn, i wish i was a poet..


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