These days the I’m obsessed with skin and sun… and sunscreen… protecting myself from the scariest word –Sun Tan … only after applying layers and layers of sunscreen( which seem deactivate once my poor skin comes in contact with delightful sunbeams) and covering myself in my own burqa I mean dupatta … looking like a terrorist from la la land… I step outside… and thus begins another struggle with dirt, pollution and scorching sun…{shakes head}
I wish crossing the road was also one of the chapters in my primary school… because I cross road like a drunkyard… one step right… two steps back… one step left… three steps back… the metallic monsters would breeze past, daring me to reach the other side… which I accomplish… in half an hour so… {brimming with pride}
My friend’s parents are searching groom for their daughters and what my parents are doing … searching Govt jobs … {rolls eyes} … My Dad would scan newspaper for any hint of job vacancy in Central govt sector … and as for the Grooms … they better not as my Hero still unknown to them… but mine is another story of ‘ Love meant to be Broken’… still going strong only to be parted …
Sometimes I wonder why Love is so painfully complicated… uncertain, unreal… I cannot evade it anymore… either I could accept it or desert it… the most beautiful feeling has given me so much pain… Love is forever … but forever seems vague … unattainable… Sigh!!!!
What should I do with a roommate who will slurp down two ice-cold Cola Colas and ice-creams, catch cold and then at night switch off the fan leaving me gasping, huffing and puffing … How My dearest Kalps is having fever + running nose in Chennai weather beats me!!! {authors rolls her eyes}
Evenings are more peaceful… Maggie, frankies and beaches …. Complete bliss …
Hey Im doing fine…
thanks for the comments
keep visiting by 🙂
@The things we carried
thanks a lot…
well roommates will be roommates… no ilaaj;)
My love story is kind-a complicated 😉
thanks a lot for the comments 🙂
Maggie is tasty if its cooked properly… I can realise what kind of maggie u got at hostel 😉
hi,,hw ru nc blog yar …definetly u wll get gud gov job [ha ha ha ha ].
nc blog keep writing.[:)]
I want to know more of the love of which you speak. Your blog is fascinating.
The room mamte! Oh no…
the sun, I avoid its rays over tanning my skin also! It is wise for us to do.
hey……many good things in this blog entry….and i loved the “road crossing part”. your sense of humour….comparable to many of my friends…(at least “on-roads”..haha)
you love maggi?….me not “maggi” lover…..i was …but they make worst “maggi” here in hostel mess…4 years of torture has made me..maggi-hater….lol