Snippets out of a Humdrum routine

Life’s burning with monotonous routine in the Furnace of India… don’t rack your brain, that’s Chennai…

These days the I’m obsessed with skin and sun… and sunscreen… protecting myself from the scariest word –Sun Tan … only after applying layers and layers of sunscreen( which seem deactivate once my poor skin comes in contact with delightful sunbeams) and covering myself in my own burqa I mean dupatta … looking like a terrorist from la la land… I step outside… and thus begins another struggle with dirt, pollution and scorching sun…{shakes head}

I wish crossing the road was also one of the chapters in my primary school… because I cross road like a drunkyard… one step right… two steps back… one step left… three steps back… the metallic monsters would breeze past, daring me to reach the other side… which I accomplish… in half an hour so… {brimming with pride}

My friend’s parents are searching groom for their daughters and what my parents are doing … searching Govt jobs … {rolls eyes} … My Dad would scan newspaper for any hint of job vacancy in Central govt sector … and as for the Grooms … they better not as my Hero still unknown to them… but mine is another story of ‘ Love meant to be Broken’… still going strong only to be parted …

Sometimes I wonder why Love is so painfully complicated… uncertain, unreal… I cannot evade it anymore… either I could accept it or desert it… the most beautiful feeling has given me so much pain… Love is forever … but forever seems vague … unattainable… Sigh!!!!

What should I do with a roommate who will slurp down two ice-cold Cola Colas and ice-creams, catch cold and then at night switch off the fan leaving me gasping, huffing and puffing … How My dearest Kalps is having fever + running nose in Chennai weather beats me!!! {authors rolls her eyes}

Evenings are more peaceful… Maggie, frankies and beaches …. Complete bliss …

6 thoughts on “Snippets out of a Humdrum routine

  1. hey……many good things in this blog entry….and i loved the “road crossing part”. your sense of humour….comparable to many of my friends…(at least “on-roads”..haha)

    you love maggi?….me not “maggi” lover…..i was …but they make worst “maggi” here in hostel mess…4 years of torture has made me..maggi-hater….lol

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