Political Ramblings Unleashed…

* The following is sorely my views… Offence Intended…
I randomly scanned The Times of India for news on Qassab… for the first time I would agree with Bal Thackeray for his criticism on the special treatment given to Qassab… appearing in court in jeans, t-shirts and perfume… asking for newspaper … wow… and the media is one step ahead – in branding him Cute… for god’s sake … he is a Murderer… can’t our system be a little quick in terminating these mass-murderers… like they did to Saddam … these people must be loving India… and our jails too !!!

Poor Sanju Baba is in great trouble for offering his Jaddu ki Jhappi and Pappii to Maya as an FIR is slapped on him for making derogatory remarks… then there is Mulayam Singh’s “Agrezi hatao” vow – where he wants to abolish English and Computers…. I wonder at peanut-sized brain of his… he should be thrown in 11th century or even earlier … eating berrys from jungle…
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/4389164.cms check this out to know what the powerful people of India are planning for us…

My BP goes high whenever I read about these illiterate dim-witted primates from la la land … but at the same time I pity myself for being in a country where politics is a superhit Comedy… this time the whole world is watching the events unfolding in our political scenario … and this is what we are offering… a complete bunch of baboons… busy mud-slinging… advocating theologies that even a kindergartener would laugh at…

The real issues are always hidden… this election is predicted to be the bloodiest election… with political murders , getting aid from goons, FIRs… the seriousness is gone … its all about paisa and power… at the end it’s who wins the race to the Hot seat…

Another Drama that unfolded was regarding selling of Slumdog Millionare star Rubaina … though her father is denying the facts obvious from the video …
http://blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/onefortheroad/entry/morality-and-rubina-s-world .. read this for more…

4 thoughts on “Political Ramblings Unleashed…

  1. @Neeraj

    enjoying the comedies indeed…

    hope something good happens…

    @Mad Blogger

    🙂 best of wannabe politicians indeed 😀 if only they have got anything good in them…

    thanks a lot for visiting…

  2. The elections bring the best out of our “tried-n-tested” as well as “wannabe” politicians.. doesnt it?? he he he… and jhappis n pappis also gets distributed during elections… he he he

  3. oh!!..laxmi…..so many political mis-adventures clubbed together in this blog entry. this is our india….we keep repeating same mistakes again and again.What else can we do , enjoying comedy is an option 😛

    carry on…..

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