[Rant]~Love vs Family = Hell may Break Loose…

** The contents are sorely my mental vibes… no offence meant …

Dear Almighty has his own strange way in attaching and ‘de’attaching the strings in our relationships… He chooses the most important man/ women in our life…. Dad/Mom… without any hassle & tassel… but when it’s time to choose the next most important man/women in our life … husband/wife … hell may break loose…

Amidst the tug-of-war between family and love …whom should the poor soul side… family is most important but what your love… wonder who demarks the border … decide what is best?? Ethically, emotionally, and socially??… Some questions still unanswered … tears still being shed, blood stilled spilled, hearts being broken … and sometimes life lost … the simplest question in our life displays such complex scenarios and the answer remains ‘un’derived….

I have a friend in from Norway… a year back he described how happy he was to meet a girl from Egypt and he thought he had a future with her … few months back he announced his marriage to her … settled in Egypt …living happily … No, I am not advocating anything here but simply marveling at the kind of freedom he is having…

People around me… my friends… my cousins… have a different story to tell… numerous times they have cried themselves to sleep… calculating the percentage of acceptance… predicting the worst case scenario… determining the reaction, the reason, the rebuke and the Result …how everytime their heart misses a beat when their parents tell them they have something important to ask…

God made love without any limitation…. Across boundary… in our hearts … which only made it hard to get accepted in this part of world…the boundaries seem so prominent … love is caged here… Caged by caste, tribe, religion, state, status, society … chained by obsolete thinking…

It all just seems a part of a dream…. A Dream when tried to built…. Hell breaks Loose!!!
Its righly said : “ Ek aag ka dariya hai, aur doob k jana hai”…

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