Vrikshasana n Virbhadrasana

Yoga Every Damn Day – As a part of A to Z April Blogging challenge, I am going to post a series of Yoga poses. Don’t worry I will keep it simple and crisp… and try not to make it boring. {All pictures are mine, clicked by my dear husband}

Vrikshasana or Tree Pose

The trick to maintain the balance is to keep staring straight at a fixed point. I still can’t do this pose with my eyes closed. Yes, this pose does help me in improving my concentration.

“I am not the moon orbiting around your planet; I am the sun that will burn through your frozen mind.”
― Shannon L. Alder


A simplified version of Vasisthasana for beginners, also called side planks. This pose, along with other plank variations, is known to kill fat around abdominal area.

Virbhadrasana III or Warrior Pose III

I was once a stumbling fumbling warrior, took me a while to maintain the balance

  • Strengthens the ankles and legs
  • Strengthens the shoulders and muscles of the back
  • Tones the abdomen
  • Improves balance and posture (Source)

Day 2 – Bakasana
Day 4 – Dhanurasana
Day 5 – Eagle Pose
Day 6 – Fishy Fishy
Day 7 – Gate Pose
Day 8 – Headstand
Day 9 – Yoga Inversion
Day 10 – Janu Sirsasana

Day 11 – Krounchasana n Karnapidasana
Day 12 – Lord of the Dance

Day 13 – Mermaid Pose
Day 14 – Navasana
Day 16 – Pigeon Pose
Day 17 – Quietude
Day 19 – Yoga @ sunrise
Day 20 – Trikonasana

14 thoughts on “Vrikshasana n Virbhadrasana

  1. Wow, those photos are so gorgeous and you are amazing with your poses. I keep thinking you should make that book. Love all the names of the poses and you're so clever making them all match up with the letters of the alphabet. Thanks for enlightening me about yoga as I have never tried it and don't know much about it to tell the truth. I always thought it was something I wouldn't be good at as I'm not flexible at all.

  2. Wow, those photos are so gorgeous and you are amazing with your poses. I keep thinking you should make that book. Love all the names of the poses and you're so clever making them all match up with the letters of the alphabet. Thanks for enlightening me about yoga as I have never tried it and don't know much about it to tell the truth. I always thought it was something I wouldn't be good at as I'm not flexible at all.

  3. You have done all of them so perfectly! I find the side planks super hard and tree posture, well, balance plus my leg keeps slipping off all the time 😀

  4. Loved the poses, loved the pictures. After the atoz, do a post on how you do yoga like which pose you start with and which next and how you end with, of course with pictures, they are simply captivating. I can't keep myself from doing yoga after seeing your pictures even with this back pain. You and your pictures are truly an inspiration for us. 🙂

  5. Your tree pose pictures are great with different hand positions/mudras than I am used to though I love them! 🙂 Vasisthasana is one that I 'should' do for my abdomen! 😉 And warrior pose is one I love though I have never seen it with the head done, yet I absolutely love your asana: perfect lines! You are so inspirational Raj! 🙂 <3

  6. Thank you so much Rajlakshmi! My late mother was a hatha yoga teacher and I have always done yoga but sad to say not in a long while. I yearn to get back to yoga, your post may just be the inspiration. I'll go back to your posts when there is time and have a very good look see ..

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