The Nikki Adoration

Theme: Home Affairs of Elephant Warriors 
Nikki, our black Labrador, that my brother got from shelter during his college days, now stays with my parents. She’s absolutely adorable, understanding and gentle. Infact so gentle that if a stranger drops in, she would escort him to the Verandah, make him sit and then run along to find my mother. 😛

Here’s she is.

Nikki Playing fetch
Nikki Dance

Nikki Jump

Nikki  Search

Nikki Sit 

Don’t Miss out on previous Musings 🙂

15 thoughts on “The Nikki Adoration

  1. Hahaha I loved Nikki's introduction! One of my distant relative had the same breed and I know what exactly you mean here… :)) I was in love with him! 😀
    Awesome pictures and I loved your house too 🙂

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